Schopenhauer on Crypto:.

31 Aug 2023, 12:07
Schopenhauer on Crypto: Schopenhauer's contemplations on human existence, suffering, and the nature of reality might not immediately evoke connections with the dynamic and rapidly evolving world of crypto. There are however many intersections between Schopenhauer's philosophy and brypto: The Will to Live and the Crypto's Innate Drive: Schopenhauer's concept of the "will to live" suggests that an underlying force propels all beings to persist in their existence, driving them to pursue desires and goals. In the realm of crypto, this concept finds resonance in the ethos of decentralization and financial autonomy. Schopenhauer's assertion, "Desire is the essence of a man" encapsulates the driving force behind crypto degens who actively participate in DeFi. Just as the will to live propels life forward, the desire for financial sovereignty and innovation fuels the development and adoption of cryptocurrencies. Illusion of Material Pursuits and the Value of Digital Assets: Schopenhauer famously criticized the pursuit of material possessions as futile and transient. His quote, "Money is human happiness in the abstract" reflects his belief that people often mistake the acquisition of wealth for true fulfillment. In crypto, this notion holds weight as well. The rise of DeFi and NFTs challenges traditional notions of wealth and ownership. Schopenhauer's perspective aligns with the idea that value in the crypto sphere is not confined to physical assets but rather encompasses the intangible yet valuable realm of digital assets. The Veil of Maya and the Transparency of the Blockchain: Schopenhauer's concept of the "veil of Maya" refers to the illusory nature of the physical world, which obscures the true nature of reality. In the context of crypto, the transparent and immutable nature of blockchain technology resonates with this concept. Schopenhauer's assertion, "The world is my idea" finds a parallel in the idea that the blockchain provides an immutable record of transactions, removing the veils of opacity and fostering trust in an otherwise uncertain digital landscape. Just as Schopenhauer sought to uncover the true essence beneath appearances, blockchain seeks to reveal the truth behind transactions. Individualism and Financial Autonomy: Schopenhauer championed the significance of individualism and inner fulfillment. His quote, "Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world" highlights the subjective nature of human experience. This notion relates to the empowerment that crypto offers to individuals. Through crypto, individuals gain greater control over their financial decisions and are no longer beholden to centralized institutions. The decentralized nature of crypto aligns with Schopenhauer's emphasis on individual autonomy, encouraging people to expand their financial horizons beyond conventional boundaries. "But will this make me rich?" What use is it to be financially rich if your soul is poor.