DR: pls gambl more frens and make whales). The Gambler's self-staking for Thrill:.

01 Sep 2023, 18:44
(TL;DR: pls gambl more frens and make whales) The Gambler's self-staking for Thrill: The Gambler is a rope stretched between the risk-taker and the Whale --a rope over thrill. For even irony poisoning cannot unbalance his walk. A dangerous bet, a dangerous wagering, a dangerous bluffing, a dangerous anticipation and trembling. What is great in the Gambler is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in the Gambler is that he is an OVER-BETTER and a DOWN-GAMBLING Degen. /BetSwirl/status/1697681813697634528/photo/3 I love those that know not how to play except as down-gamblers, for they are the over-betters. I love the great risk-takers because they are the great winners, and arrows of longing for the jackpot. I love those who do not first seek a reason beyond the cards for going down and placing bets but stake themselves on the table, that the Whale may hereafter arrive and win it all. /BetSwirl/status/1697681813697634528/photo/2 I love him who bets in order to win, and wagers to win so that the Whale may hereafter thrive. Thus wagers he his own down-gambling. I love him who bluffs and gambles, that he may build the empire of the Whale and prepare for him a world of stakes: for thus wagers he his own down-gambling. I love him who loves his luck: for luck is the will to down-thrill, and an arrow of longing. I love him who reserves no share of luck for himself but wants to be wholly the luck of his gamble: thus plays he as luck over the table. I love him who makes his gamble his inclination and destiny: thus, for the sake of his gamble, he is willing to play on, or play no more. I love him who desires way too many bets. Two bet is more of a gamble than one because it is more of a chance for one's destiny to embrace. I love him whose stakes are lavish, who wants no consolation prize and does not hold back: for he always wagers, and desires not to keep for himself. /BetSwirl/status/1697681813697634528/photo/4 I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favor and who then asks: 'Am I a dishonest player?'--for he is willing to take another chance. I love him who scatters golden cryptochips in advance of his bets and always wagers more than he promises: for he plays for his own down-gamble. I love him who justifies the future winnings and redeems the past losses: for he is willing to take a chance through the present Coinflip game. /BetSwirl/status/1697681813697634528/photo/1 I love him who challenges his luck because he loves his luck: for he must take a chance through the luck of his gamble. I love him whose luck runs deep even in the losing, and may take a chance on a small hand: thus goes he willingly over the table. I love him whose chips are so overfull that he forgets himself and all things that are in him: thus all things become his down-gambling. I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his mind only the strategy of his heart; his heart, however, causes his down-gambling. I love all who are like heavy chips falling one by one out of the hand that holds them: they herald the coming of the winning streak and take a chance as heralds. Gamblers, let you be our stake for the Whale's BIG win! Let you be the sacrificed degen, birthing the Whale - the overthrilled herald of the winning streak.